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The Truth About Dairy Products

Many people have consumed milk since ancient times . Most dairy products from cattle and other mammals. Among the best -known dairy products are milk, cheese , ice cream , butter and yogurt. These types of foods are eaten and are considered as the basis for many families around the world .

These dairy products were considered to be very healthy for many centuries . They were consumed by the known benefits occur primarily in terms of providing essential nutrients that our body needs. So many health care consumer advocates to include dairy products in our daily consumption.

Considering the benefits of such dairy products , there has been a lot of research and studies and data show that dairy products that we are so accustomed to thinking that are healthy have negative effects on our body . Now , ask yourself again, " dairy is healthy ? "

A number of evidence and reports show that dairy milk and others are not healthy at all . There were many results that many diseases are caused by the consumption of dairy products. This is one reason why most consumers who were the promoters of these products have actually left the consumption of these products . Here are some things you should know:

• Cows steroids are administered to increase milk production . With this, you can expect that the remains of these chemicals can actually be found in the milk they produce. Therefore, when consumed , you also get the steroids in the body. These steroids can create hormonal balance, which is actually a health problem .

• Milk, by nature, is acidic when metabolized. Therefore, the excess milk can change the pH level of your body upset stomach and resulting from our body enzymes to help maintain the normal pH of the body, when overused, can lead to a fault .

• Milk has long been known to help mucus production , therefore , may contribute to many types of respiratory diseases.

• Unlike the commercials and ads, that milk can help prevent osteoporosis, the evidence shows that the opposite is true . The best way for you to get the calcium could consume green vegetables and other foods that are rich in calcium.

• Milk can aggravate arthritis. Studies show that people who suffer from arthritis eliminate dairy products from your diet actually reduces pain and swelling.

• Cholesterol and fats can also be found on these dairy products. With this, it has been discovered that these products can increase the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

• The different types of cancers such as prostate cancer , breast and ovarian cancers have been associated with ingestion of these dairy products.

Knowing this can be very powerful as we think dairy products as a "super food" because we used to eat even babies . Maybe we think that food tastes better without dairy products. However, when you actually try to see the best picture and think of our health more , you'd better our needs calcium and other nutrients from other sources that are more healthy and green vegetables .

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