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6 Meat-Free Protein Alternatives - Even Carnivores Need Meat-Free Options!

If you are a runner , lifting weights or doing any other exercise, you need protein . Well, if you are a vegetarian or vegan ? What if I can not eat meat? We all need protein for muscle repair , so how those who do not eat meat to get enough every day? Even if you 're not a vegetarian or vegan, you could try to gain muscle mass , and not take the fat animal protein sources , including some that may be linked to heart disease and cancer. Whatever your situation may be , there is no option for meat protein out there that can help you get enough protein to help you achieve your goals.

tofu :

Tofu is a kind of sour milk with crushed soybeans were pressed in a block. The end result is a smooth and soft surface. Tofu goes well with the taste of food or sauces. A half cup of tofu has only about 90 calories and five grams of fat. Tofu is full of heart healthy compounds called isoflavones , which are antioxidants that can keep blood vessels healthy and can increase blood flow and improves muscle function. Tofu is usually found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store, somewhere around other special nutrients . There are a variety of textures to choose from, like extra- strong and silky, it can match well with no matter what recipe . Silken tofu can be used in place of ricotta in some recipes . Additional form can be grilled or sautéed like meat . The downside is that it is highly processed tofu and loses some nutrients in the process.

Tempeh :

Tempeh is a meat substitute nuts, fermented soy beans , all cooked then formed into a mold. Tempeh is less processed than tofu , soy most conserved nutrients. In just half a cup of tempeh , nine grams of fat , 19 grams of protein and four grams of fiber. This is the perfect combination to keep hunger away . You will likely find just off tempeh tofu in the grocery store. When cooking tempeh absorb the flavors of what you cook with . Tempeh is chopped and tossed with your favorite sauce or marinade. Personally, I only cook mine in a pan with a little olive oil and some Bragg Liquid Aminos ( soy sauce substitute ) . Do not worry !

seitan :

Honestly, before looking this post, I did not even know what seitan . Sietan is made ​​from wheat gluten and has a rich and meaty texture and flavor. A half cup of Sietan has 32 grams of protein , which is more of a chicken breast 4 oz Be careful sodium because some brands may have nearly 20 percent of your daily limit of sodium per serving . You can still have a smaller and still get enough protein portion. A delicious idea to use seitan is to buy the kind of land and use it in pasta sauce or homemade pizza .

Seeds and nuts :

Some seeds and nuts can pack a nutritional punch. Have you ever heard of chia seeds ? These tiny seeds have recently become a new health craze , and for good reason ! Chia seeds have six grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber in just two tablespoons ! Chia seeds are also full of ALA , which is alpha- linolenic acid, an omega -3 plant that is linked to lower rates of heart disease. Flax seeds are also a great source ALAS 's . Nuts are also a great post-workout snack because they provide nutrients such as potassium and calcium, which are depleted during exercise and sweat. You can easily integrate discard seeds oatmeal or pancake mix . Note, however, that chia seeds grow and become gelatinous when wet. You can mix with water to make a tapioca pudding .

Non-dairy milk :

If you are a vegan or have an intolerance to milk, it is obvious that you need to get the cow . Dairy is an important source of calcium and vitamin D. It was found research increased consumption of these nutrients may accelerate the burning of fat. So what if you are vegetarian or allergic to dairy products? Non-dairy options are available that have these nutrients. A popular choice is soy milk , which has six grams of protein per cup. Another option is unsweetened almond milk , which is low in calories but beautiful naturally low in protein . There are some brands that offer more protein. In the grocery store, you will find non-dairy milk with regular milk . There are also some markings on nonperishable packages near the nutrition section of most grocery stores.

Beans and lentils :

I never realized the amount of protein that is packed in beans and lentils until I did a nutritional program to replace 21 days, the final " recovery in April this year. Nutritional So learned and one of the things learned is that beans and lentils plays an important role of protein in a vegetarian diet different beans or vegans have different amounts of protein .. pinto - six grams edamame - nine grams ; marina - 10 grams All these quantities are a portion of a half- cup of lentils with similar protein , about nine grams in a half cup , and provide 18 percent of the daily value for iron so if you . . have trouble getting enough iron , make sure to include lentils in your diet. lenses can be used in a delicious salad of various vegetables , fruits, spices and feta cheese.

I hope this helps you see if you choose meatless meals are not sacrificing anything , and in turn , improve digestion. Our bodies have trouble digesting animal protein and animal protein increased more chances of heart disease, despite having a day that throws a week will help tremendously. Give it a try !

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