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Diet For Health And Fitness

A healthy diet is about getting the right balance , with enough food and liquid. If the diet of a person who does not meet your needs while going to feel bad. Each person must have a healthy and balanced diet because it provides the energy and nutrients needed to survive and stay healthy . The combination of a healthy diet an active lifestyle has huge benefits . A healthy diet should be able to put long-term benefit more foods that protect and nourish the body by choosing a variety of foods . We must remember that no healthy or unhealthy foods - only healthy diets healthy or not.

Based on the nutritional composition, food can be classified as follows:

- Macro -nutrients - protein, fat and carbohydrates - provide energy and are essential for growth and maintenance;

- Micro -nutrients - vitamins, minerals, trace elements - are needed in very small amounts but are essential for growth and development and remain free of disease;

A guide for the development of a healthy diet can be :

1 ) Water: 60-70 % of our body is water , it is an important part of our diet. Drink 10-12 glasses of pure water is recommended to fill the needs of essential body fluids.

2 ) Carbohydrates : Foods such as rice, pasta, bread , cereals and potatoes should form the basis of every meal because they are a good source of energy and provide a range of nutrients. People should be encouraged to eat whole grain variety , and will significantly improve the supply of necessary fiber for the movement of the intestines and other health reasons.

3) Fats : Fats are also essential in our diet, but then the right choice must be made fat. Too much fat is bad for our health, but then limit the fat should be the right way of consuming good fats for health, such as essential fatty acids ( omega 3 fatty acids found in fatty fish ) and soluble vitamins in fat is not compromised . Restrict the use of butter , fats, meat fats and trans fats or hydrogenated present in processed foods such as cakes and pastries food because they can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. Choose to cook their food in sunflower, soybean , sesame , corn, olive or rapeseed.

4) Protein: the building blocks of our body can be obtained from food sources such as skim milk and its products, foods of animal origin such as eggs , lean meats and fish , vegetables and legumes .

5) Fruits and Vegetables: It is recommended to have five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. A portion (80 g ) may include :

- An apple, fruit of similar size, banana, orange or other;

- Two plums or similar sized fruit ;

- Three tablespoons of colorful vegetables ;

- Three tablespoons of green leaves ;

- A 150 ml fruit juice glass .

6) Salt: a diet with optimal levels of salt is an important consideration as a high -salt diet can spend some chronic diseases such as hypertension factor . Salt in the diet comes mainly from salt added during cooking and at the table, but too much salt can come hidden in foods we buy. So look at food labels .

7 ) Alcohol : Some health experts argue that alcohol in small amounts can actually have a beneficial effect on health. Current guidelines are that women can take up to 2-3 units of alcohol a day and men up to 3-4 units per day. Ideally, these units should be distributed throughout the week, with one or two alcohol-free days a week. But excess of everything is bad and it's the same thing with alcohol, which is high in calories and can therefore contribute to excessive weight gain . Excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time can cause liver damage and increases the risk of hypertension , which is linked to coronary heart disease . Alcohol is also a diuretic.

Cut into one of the food groups from the diet , either to lose weight or untested food intolerance can lead to serious health consequences (and can lead to nutrient deficiencies ) and should not be performed without adequate diet and medical supervision.

Advice from previous healthy diet is for adults who are - children, the elderly, those who are sick or have special dietary needs ( such as pregnant women) food requirements and general principles of a healthy diet can not apply .

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