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How Does Celiac Disease Affect Your Body?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which the gut reacts to the presence of naturally occurring protein found in wheat, rye and barley. This protein is called gluten and , for unknown reasons, causes allergic reactions in the small intestine , which - if it is not treated - can lead to serious health problems.

Once inside the body , the immune system seen as a threat and gluten releasing antibodies to fight , because the automatic reaction. However, since the antibodies destroy gluten, also damages the villi , which are found in the intestine.

Villi a small projection is responsible for absorption and delivery of the blood circulation of nutrients. When damaged villi , the absorption of essential nutrients from the food ingested is compromised. Therefore , celiac disease or gluten allergy can damage the small intestine and at the same time , wreaks havoc throughout the body .

Another condition that may arise from gluten - induced allergic reaction in the small intestine is the syndrome of "leaky gut" This is extremely dangerous because the intestines expands that allows the entry of nutrients not only toxic, but . . as this happens , the body is struggling to fight against toxins and often ends up suffering damage to the body.

As strange as it may seem, celiac disease is one of the most common diseases facing the world, but early diagnosis remains elusive. Very often , the symptoms are misinterpreted as another complication when the injury is irreversible. For example , a person who is supposed to be allergic to gluten can eat foods that contain gluten and still no known allergic reactions for some time . However, in a tight turn of events, the person suffers from an allergic reaction chronic autoimmune response derivative.

Medical experts suggest that environmental factors , in addition to genes and heredity can play a crucial role in the development of celiac disease . There are two possible scenarios. One of them , a person can suffer from symptoms associated with celiac disease, however , does not mean it . The second situation is a person who is experiencing different symptoms and actually have celiac disease, but are not diagnosed early.

There is no exception to this disease. Everyone is vulnerable. Any race, culture or nationality is immune . Nor is there a limit to the age of the persons concerned . In addition, the symptoms vary from person to person and this is what makes the diagnosis difficult.

There are two classifications of symptoms of this disease . These are the gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms. When it comes to children, they may show a different set of symptoms that may include puberty and lack of concentration delayed.

Dermatitis herpetiformis , a type of skin infection , is closely related to celiac disease, although the correlation between infection of the skin and allergic reactions of the small intestine is a mystery. At present , the only effective treatment is prevention. People who are allergic to gluten are urged to eliminate from your diet .

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