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Top 10 Fitness Myths

If you're new to the world of fitness and not to help his side (as a personal trainer), it is up to you to do your research. Among the fitness magazines, books and the Internet there are lots of information to help anyone at any fitness level.

Let me guess, you read and try to develop a good exercise program for you, but everything I read seems to be different. Ugh! Very frustrating! A website suggest you fill only cardio to lose fat, and another will tell you to abandon the use of cardio and weight training for fat loss ... What to do?!?!?

I can help you!

I have many years of experience when it comes to exercise. Over the past six years (Wow - six years in fact), I realized several forms of exercise, the volume to make the cut cardio in the morning, in the evening, no cardiovascular exercise, etc. From my personal experience, I came up with 10 myths that I think are absolutely ridiculous! It may be my thoughts, but certainly done the research to back it up?

10 Gym MythsMYTH 1: Women must perform different exercises for men

FACT: Both sexes have the same body structure and have to use different exercises to help the overall body composition. , Cardio, endurance, plyometrics, balance training, stability, coordination and agility should always be part of your training program.

A.K.A - Light up!

10 MythsMYTH Gym # 2: No Pain, No Gain

FACT: The pain may feel a bit after a workout because muscle fibers are broken session. If you have it for a day or two after the workout is fine, but if you are struggling for a week after the training that has been overused. Expected pain to introduce a new exercise routine or even another year.
Alias ​​- pain after 3-4 days = low / light weight next time!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 3: Performing abdominal burns belly fat
Ahh ... this is my favorite!

FACT: Performing hundreds of crunches will not burn stubborn belly fat. The only result of the execution of hundreds of crunches is increased strength in the abdominal muscles. The best way to burn belly fat is through high intensity exercise and a clean and healthy diet weighted.

A.K.A - If you want abs - Eat Clean!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 4: Exercise does my poor diet

FACT: You can not out exercise a bad diet. 80% of the appearance of your body relies on food. You can spend all day in the gym, but if you do not eat properly your body is not going to develop a lot of change. Do yourself a favor, stick to about 60 minutes in the gym and eating clean.

AKA - Get rid of gym sessions three hours for 60 minutes and clean power!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 5: I can not exercise five times a week, so you might as well not exercise at all

REALITY: Exercise is recommended for everyone, but not everyone is having to exercise five or more times per week. If you can not practice two days per week, which is still much better than not exercising at all. Any exercise is better than nothing.

Alias ​​- One session per week is better than no exercise in a week!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 6: Women should not lift weights and do many repetitions

FACT: If you are not raising enough muscle weight will not change. Weights should always be a challenge for the final 2-3 reps. Doing more reps low weight and get excellent results.

Alias ​​- If you want a good thin legs toned arms and toned abs - weight lifting!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 7: I exercise for an hour or more to get results

FACT: False! Depending on the type of workout you do, you can achieve your goals in 30 minutes or less! HIIT, Tabata and soon all be done in 10 minutes or less. Everyone has 10 minutes a day of exercise. It is not the amount of time you spend in your training, it is the amount of effort they put on.

Also known as - More workout more intensity!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 8: Women should not lift heavy weights because they do a great job

FACT: Women do not have the proper hormonal support to the volume. Weight training is necessary to strengthen your body, prevent osteoporosis, increase your basal metabolic rate, muscle mass to create and maintain a healthy weight. How do you sculpt a new sexy and skinny legs without lifting heavy objects? Lifting heavy weights will only make your body tighter, leaner and stronger. I am proof that walking. I was lifting and heavy lifting for 3 years and I am far from the Incredible Hulk!

Alias ​​- No woman will be the carcass without steroids and a good amount of evidence.

10 fitness myths

Myth # 9: All I need is Cardio

FACT: As we age, our bodies (.... ready for this?) Grouping! Gasp! Weight training is what keeps us aligned and strong. Help our posture, so stand. Strengthens tendons and ligaments as well as create a good bone density. Cardio is an essential part of keeping your heart strong, but it helps to keep your body in alignment and strengthen your muscles. Unless you want the gravity to make your body as you age care (eeekkk!) lifting dumbbells.

Alias ​​- Lifting weights to keep your body stronger as the years pass!

10 fitness myths

Myth # 10: I will continue his / her program because I want to see how they

FACT: If you are not his / her twin brother, who never has the same body as someone else. Focus your energy on developing your body. Form weaknesses of your body and personal fitness goals. Create your own development program strength to your body's needs. It is a good idea to use someone as a source of inspiration, just do not lose too much energy to focus on your program.

A.K.A - Do what works for you. Your body, your lifestyle!

So there you have it. My 10 fitness myths! What do you think? I cleared things up a bit? I hope so, because fitness is not something that needs to be emphasized again and if you find what works for your body, you will be well on your way to a happy, healthy lifestyle, fit! Do not get discouraged if you find what works for you immediately. It takes time to develop the results, so be sure to stick to your plan and pursue their fitness goals!

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