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Fitness Crash Dieting Vs Regular Exercise

If you want to lose weight so badly, then crash dieting should never be one of your choices. A crash diet is the process in which uneaten meals, vomiting or taking medication that will make you move your bowels in a very abnormal. A crash diet is its negative consequences and most of them will be felt immediately. However, if you exercise regularly, even moderately, you can even have more benefits than costs. Here are the reasons why regular exercise is better than a crash diet.

1. A crash diet can cause stomach ulcers. Even if you do not eat, your stomach still produces acid and continuously crashed against the walls. The food in the stomach empty in about 4-6 hours. If you do not change anything there at that time, you do the same footprint. The result would ulcers. Stomach ulcers are very painful because they are like wounds in the stomach. If you exercise and a balanced diet, you will lose fat in a healthy and open ulcer.

Two. Crash dieting can cause bad breath and corroded teeth. Some shock to diet-induced vomiting after eating. Stomach acid can damage the lining of the teeth. This will lead to stained dentures. In the long run, corrodes the protective layer of the teeth. Bacteria that grow in cavities over time lead to bad breath. Instead, why not exercise and have a good smelling breath and sparkling teeth? In a matter of language, a crash diet is like solving a health problem with other health problems.

Three. diet drugs accident have side effects. Have you ever heard of blowers colon or capsules to lose weight? They are now very common and people think that taking diet drugs is the fastest and easiest way to lose weight, and easy to avoid exercise of any excuse. The fact is that exercise is better because it does not have to suffer the side effects of these drugs. Although some claim that they obtained from a natural source, the exercise is still ultimately use more health for a long time. Also, just because the manufacturers of these pills claim the ingredients come from natural sources, which are short of trial, and are known not to be true. Why even take the risk?

Because people are too busy with work, no time to go to the gym to exercise. The good news is that you do not need to diet fail if you do not have time to go to the gym. You can actually make your weight loss exercises at home when you have your own home fitness equipment. And not even need to be expensive or complicated. You can do the miles on a treadmill, put their weight, and much more. This is a good way to be sure if you want to lose weight. Of course, the exercise must be coupled with proper nutrition and a lifestyle free from defects.

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