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The Future of Fitness

8 ways the personal training industry will change in the next decade

Increasing acceptance of the relationship between exercise and health will create a strong demand for fitness professionals.

The fitness industry, while still in its infancy, is evolving at a rapid pace. The next 10 years will be a crucial period, one in which the importance of our industry will be widely accepted and increased pressure and demand for our services will force us out of our infancy and childhood and greater maturity.

While maturity is evident in several positive trends, some negative trends will continue and even increase at the same time. Each of these trends is of great opportunities for personal trainer is ready to meet them.

1. Prevention or treatment in case of illness can be cured, but a great personal trainer can keep you from getting sick in the first place. Personal trainers understand this, and so will the world in the next decade. As much as 75% of our health care costs are due to diseases related to lifestyle can prevent such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Corporations and small businesses will increasingly invest in their employees' health, while health insurance companies continue to increase the rewards for people who engage in healthy activities. This will create great opportunities for corporate trainers. Unfortunately, despite this increased prevention and care exercise, obesity rates continue to rise until the commercial food industry has been radically transformed

Two. Health and welfare professionals integrate-The number of personal trainer, doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, massage therapists and chiropractors who work together to provide solutions for their clients / patients will increase dramatically. This growth will be driven by the fact that this trend is both good for business and great for the patient / client. Injuries have increased, in particular, chronic joint pain, increase the number of prosecutions and demand for personal trainers who work with physical therapists and know how to train people after rehabilitation.

Three. Dramatic increase in injuries and exercise related requirements, creating greater pressure for regulation of the explosion of fitness bootcamps group, especially with the methods ineffective control and a "high intensity everyone" mentality, will result an exponential increase in injuries caused by personal trainers and increasing demands. With increased public pressure to take less time to exercise and a population increasingly unhealthy / sedentary, these lesions can reach pandemic proportions, increasing the pressure on lawmakers to regulate the industry. Increased use of games such as Wii Fit exercises, will also increase the number of people are injured each year in the period, but also help some people to get fit while having fun.

April. Obesity rates continue to increase, while 60% of Americans who are already overweight or obese, this number is creeping toward 80% at the end of the decade. This trend will turn around until they change the commercial food industry and nutrition, health and exercise becomes a priority in the lessons taught in the educational system from kindergarten to high school. The increase in obesity rates will result in new types of "trial of obesity" and new tactics other institutions to curb the trend. These attempts are, for the most part ineffective. 434

May The number of personal trainers with small businesses will increase, due to an increased need / demand for our services, the role of a personal trainer is the first educator, coach of the community, and consultant. To meet this demand, more coaches become self-employed and start-up companies, allowing them to create new and effective solutions, while making more money, without the limitations and restrictions of the powers of fitness of existing business. More studies training staff go into business every year and most personal trainers work full time and make a successful career in the industry (many are part-time coaches at this time). More importantly, personal trainers will join others in the technology industry to create tools and software to help keep track of the client's goals, exercise routine, lifestyle and diet Food effective in helping these instructors reach more people. The main opportunities abound, including the ability to make a career of helping people change their lives for the better.

June Obesity and diabetes continues to increase dramatically, children will become a critical public needs, reducing physical education (and elsewhere) programs, combined with commercial food served in most schools will be levels epic of childhood obesity and diabetes. This trend will be an excellent opportunity for personal trainers who want to make a difference. The role of exercise every day, not sport, to enhance self-development, maturation and health will become an integral part of any school that wants to reverse this trend, a personal trainer and expert help schools integrate these principles in the basic curriculum.

July. New types of competitions and challenges new types of races and competitions will increase in the next decade. While increasing endurance and ultra-endurance increased dramatically, the need for community-based solutions to scale for the average citizen will create the need for a large number and variety of races and competitions lower intensity. Personal trainers use these competitions and other social events that take place outside a gym to increase engagement and accountability of its customers. These coaches get great results with their clients.

August More "trainers" who are not the most personal trainers personal trainers will not engage in the field of personal training. Programs such as Team Beachbody increase the number of "fitness coaches" to serve the purpose of increasing responsibility and motivation, not to exercise prescription development, technical or program. These coaches provide an extensive network of reference for personal trainers.

I hope you're ready to take advantage of these trends and make a difference!

Another quick note. ACE (American Council on Exercise) was an annual survey predict trends for next year. The big trend they found was that people would be looking to spend less money and less time to exercise because of budgetary constraints and tight schedules, and the most successful coaches could adapt to these trends.

I could not disagree more! This is a great organization, but certainly not agree in this case.

While it is important to meet the market demands, it is also important to educate our customers. The simple fact of the matter is with unrealistic demands negligent. One of our tasks as educators is to promote unrealistic expectations immediately. So when a client is working sedentary, more stressed and malnourished comes and says: "I have 30 minutes to exercise two times a week, I worked as hard as you" say "No!" No "Yes, of course, the customer is always right." If we look at these unrealistic requirements, we risk a greater chance of injury and poor, to say nothing of the invalidation.

Our job is to protect our customers and give them a better understanding of reality. Yes, we need to adapt to market forces, but within reasonable limits. The most successful coaches have the best customers, customers who listen and who are authorized by them. Successful personal trainers are not disrupted by your customers and meet your unrealistic expectations.

As a personal trainer, you are the leader!

I agree that the market forces will increase the number of gyms that offers cost exercise group consciousness.

What do you think? Leave some comments and let us know!

* What are your expectations for the next decade in the fitness industry?
* What trend will try to exploit?
* How do you help people achieve their goals for the next 10 years?

Until next time, keep your business.

Johnny Fitness

Jonathan Angelilli aka Johnny Fitness has worked as a full time trainer for over 8 years, has completed 8 certifications, trains several celebrities, and is currently the director of training dynamic results, a fitness center and fashion accessories luxury New York. He formed directly managed and advised over 100 personal trainers in the last 5 years alone, and has a very successful consulting firm personal trainers. His coaching clients have achieved amazing results including making more money, help more people and create more opportunities for their fitness business.

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