Joint advance

Here the best solutions for your problems?

Top 10 Exercises Without Weights

If you do not like going to the gym, you're not alone . The good news is - you can get results in the comfort of your own home with some simple exercises at home.

Bodyweight training can be effective. It can be a substitute for the weight , if necessary . Training using your own body weight as resistance source is a time-tested technique for fast results .

Here are the best exercises body weight training ten which gives great workouts and great results - without the gym .

1 . Supine Pull- Ups (works major muscles in the back, shoulders and biceps ) Use two chairs and a pole - Heavy joystick works well. WARNING: Make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to support its weight. You could be seriously injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip. Lie on your back in a small bar . Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip . Pull up . Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps .

2 . Supine Biceps Pull- Ups (biceps , some back) Use the same chairs and poles available # 1. Sit under a low bar . Grab the bar with a reverse grip ( palms facing you ) , hands on shoulders wide apart . Keep the body upright , pull up until your chin just clears the bar. Focus on the tension in your biceps, trying to relax the rest of the body. 6-8 reps .

3 . Pectoral ( chest , triceps, shoulders ) The key to targeting the chest with Push - Ups is the direction in which the elbows travel . As in the bench press , the elbows should move away from the body to target your chest and kept close to the body to target the triceps. Place each hand just outside the shoulders, slightly behind the shoulder line . Hands pointing straight ahead , upper body rigid as a board. 6-15 repetitions.

4 . Tent pectoral ( mostly upper chest) Assume the position # 3 , but walk your feet forward so your body is bent at the waist and hips are in the air. Bend your elbows, lower your body until your nose touches the ground. Push up . Repeat . 6-8 reps .

5 . Pumps, triceps Position ( you guessed it - triceps, and some chest) Begin with fingers facing forward in position # 3 , with a little less than shoulder width hands. Lower your body to the floor keeping arms in against your body. Push up . 6-8 reps .

6 . Triceps exercises with chairs with hands behind the back, you press your palms on the edge of a chair . Your hands should touch elbows should angle outward. Immersion in this position relieves a lot of pressure on the elbow and shoulder. Down , keeping your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows back and slightly to the side . Keep your body tilted slightly forward throughout the movement. Push up until your arms are straight . 6-15 repetitions.

7 . Squats on one leg ( front thighs , glutes , hamstrings ) is perpendicular to the wall , about an arm's length away from her. Extend your arms to the side and place your palm against the wall just below shoulder height . The far corner of the wall at 45 degrees. Bend the other leg back . Keep your body straight, lower your body until the knee non - weight lifting is close ( but not touching ) the ground. Lean against the wall. Push to the starting position . Repeat 6-8 reps .

8 . Legged hamstring Bridges Lie on your back with one leg extended , heel on the floor . Keep the other leg on the floor. Pushing through the heel, flex your hamstrings to lift your body. Lower and repeat for 8-10 repetitions . Repeat with the other leg. You can control the strength and the extent to which the glutes contribute by changing the distance you place your heel relative to the donkey.

9 . Start slots slot by taking a large step forward , keeping the head and torso upright. Lower your hips and allow the knee drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let your knee touch the ground. To return to the top, pull the leg forward and one step back when the knee is completely straight . Repeat with the other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.

10 . Running stairs staircase race is not usually considered a resistance exercise , and , in fact, is very demanding on your cardiovascular system. However, it also does an incredible job of conditioning the lower body . If your knees are in good shape , try doing 10-20 sprints a floor , preferably two stairs at a time. As you get stronger , work the number slowly , keep one hand on the banister to catch you if you lose your balance . Give yourself a major challenge for the use of a backpack full of heavy books and good .

Fitness and Nutrition Go Hand in Hand


When I decided to get serious about weight loss and fitness , I learned many things the hard way. I learned that you have to both exercise and eat right to lose weight effectively, you need to combine aerobic exercise with dumbbells , and of course, once you get in shape, you have to maintain that fitness. The most important thing I think I learned everything , however, is that fitness and nutrition go hand in hand.

I first tried to continue my bad eating habits , and just hitting and running strong weight, and I thought it would be a good way to be happy and fit at the same time .

 I soon discovered , however, that I felt really good after completing the exercise, but horrible, before starting. Have heartburn or feel weak . That's when I got a hint that fitness and nutrition should be used together to work , because otherwise it does not work either.

One of my friends absolutely hate exercise . She said she did not like getting all sweaty and evil, and said he would rather just try to watch what I ate. She planned everything for diet program , where she ate more fruits and fresh vegetables and whole grains. It also took in their calcium intake as well , with yoghurt and skimmed milk because she read that increasing calcium intake can help you lose weight.

I tried to explain the concept of " fitness and nutrition go hand in hand" , but would not hear of it , and went ahead with his original plan .  

She began to lose weight, but she was exhausted and learned from his doctor that the weight was not all that was missing . While she was losing fat , she lost muscle too . He even admitted that his skin was loose and needed to start toning . I asked how I could do , and she reluctantly admitted that he would start exercising.

Physical and nutrition should go hand in hand for a person to be healthy. You can reach the temporary success with weight loss by one or the other , but it will not come as fast or as effective as the two combined. I did for a number of years and I reaped the benefits of them.

 I could not imagine doing one without the other and try to emphasize that everyone asks me about fitness and weight loss fitness and nutrition are the best way to answer these two questions.

Fitness Nutrition for Beginners

This is a huge problem. A question that will take more than one message. What you really need to understand when you think about nutrition is that nobody is the same. We all have different body types and metabolism all work differently.  

That said, everyone can adjust your diet to get the results they need .

Conventional forms of power would be 5-6 meals a day , a couple shakes and maybe some vitamins proteins, here and there. This works for some people ... It does not work for everyone though. I have tried many different diets in the past , conventional 6 meals a day , carb cycling, paleo and intermittent fasting . For me what worked best was carb cycling but this may not be the case for everyone. My body is very sensitive to carbs that I realized from the beginning. In our Indian community that we grew up in carbohydrates from rice roti .

This leaves us with the question , what should I do? It's simple, but you must understand . I will focus on the publication of many different types of diets that people can choose something that works for them rather than fit into a cookie-cutter system .

I'll start with the basics of food and nutrition.

Another thing very simple, but important to remember is that it all boils down to mathematics. If you eat more calories than your body can expend you will gain weight if you spend more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you stay in maintenance, which means that you have burned as many calories as you eat, you will remain in maintenance time . Very simple, but a concept that many fail to remember.

So when it comes to food and drink what to eat and what to neglect? For the simple are Soda and fast food. You must eliminate all soda. This is not necessary in order to make a healthy and strong body .

Fast food is always full of saturated and trans fats (which are the good fats ) and very dense in calories. Fast food should be avoided , the burger from time to time will not kill , but it should not be something that you have a weekly basis and should be part of your diet.

Soda is very harmful to your body in the grand scheme of things , which is abundant in calories, no nutritional value to you and also pours large amounts of simple sugar in you. Soda cravings will be significantly reduced once you start sticking to water throughout the day. Make sure you get enough water and is always hydrated.

Average cup of coffee has 95 mg . caffeine.

Another area where people make mistakes is coffee. Coffee may seem simple, but once you attack , all the sugar and cream added to it can become a dense beverage calories. I 'm drinking black coffee at any time. I'm a coffee monster , so do not say I do not drink coffee , but just be easy with it. You do not want to be changed on caffeine all day and became addicted. Drink your coffee black is a good first step in reducing ineffective calories down.

Make sure you focus on your meal preparation. Must be traditionally cooked food. Try to eat less junk food you can and try to eat healthy, natural foods . These will be processed by the body much easier. A good general rule is to eat foods that can be handmade and untreated .

In the next section , we'll talk more about macronutrients and how to work with regard to your body. Make sure to check out our recipe section to review some delicious food .

How To Choose From The Best Rated Elliptical Trainers

There are so many different ellipticals there it can be difficult to make the right choice. Obviously, you want to compare prices too, as an expensive option does not necessarily mean that you get the best coach there. Research is the key and to do effective research can use a step by step process to find the best rated elliptical .

It is good to heed the advice of your friends , family or colleagues , but do not forget that your body is different and their coach they want, but it may not suit you. Here are 3 tips to help you choose the best rated elliptical .

# 1 Look for reputable companiesTake the time to research the companies that offer instructors will be a good start. You want one that offers the customer to answer your question good service, offers a warranty on the product, and is considered one of the best in the industry . Sounds easy enough , but with so many options available that can take some time .

# 2 Calculate your needsOnce you have four and fifty-seven companies that meet the criteria , start writing everything you want from an elliptical. Your list should include items such as the weight of the steering wheel , adjustable resistance and incline , comfort handlebar controls available and how they are easy to use , the type of display screens (LCD with backlight avoid) and the warranty coverage available.

This gives you an opportunity to find exactly what you need and avoid overpaying for things you do not need . Current technology offers better coaches, but probably will not use anything that does not pass the money on something you can not use .

# 3 find and use Elliptical Sites RatingThere are sites out there that are specifically designed to help you compare and find the best rated elliptical . We recommend that you use because you can save money , time and headache of dealing with a bad company. Classified sites offer a wealth of information in one place and give you the pros and cons of different trainers available.

This information is usually found in the area of ​​customer feedback , where people who have already bought a coach writing on his personal experience. Some of it is good, some of it is bad and all help optimize your choices so that you can find the right coach for you.

Using the tips above, it will be much easier for you to find the right coach for you and we can not stress enough how important it is to take into account your personal needs first and then try to find a bike Top rated elliptical that meets their needs .

The Best Gym Machines For Total Overall Fitness

Gyms offer so many different exercise machines , the first time you enter , you may feel overwhelmed by all the choices available. So how are you supposed to know what machines you use ? Well , the best thing you need to make an appointment with a personal trainer, usually available at the gym , or ask an employee directly .

 They will be able to make a complete tour of the gym, become familiar with all aspects of it and understand exactly what are the objectives for each machine.

When implemented in their regular work schedule, exercise machines can be a great way to yourself and challenge your muscles and give you a little variety in your exercise routine.

Stress on joints can be mitigated by the use of exercise machines such as treadmills and rowing machines, which are particularly useful in the aerobic system of things too. Yes, there are many different types of machines in a gym , however, there are specific machines that are used more than others.  

This equipment will help you burn more fat and calories, while providing the opportunity to shape and build muscle at the same time . In addition, these specific machines outperform any other machine available in the gym.

It is important if you are not familiar with the machine is then an employee or a personal trainer to demonstrate the proper use of equipment . Implementing one or more of these machines in your program regularly, at least twice a week , and you begin to notice significant changes in your body.

noriaside downrower

Each has the capacity to provide the necessary exercises for a full body workout.

The band is a popular piece of exercise equipment. Many people see a simple walk in the park, which is much more than just a machine where you stand. In fact, you can test your strength and endurance too. For example, many newer models have features that include, tilt adjustment , arm tools , a digital panel that you can tell your heart rate and calories burned.

A drop side uses its heart , back and arms to give the best upper body workout you can get . It may seem an easy exercise , but it really put the upper body in shape.

Rower gives your legs, back , core and arms a good workout , but it looks pretty sweet. Use this machine at least four times a week is recommended during your workout.

A Good Muscle and Fitness Training System

Fitness and weight training is an important attempt to get the general aspect of fitness and body health. It is extremely important that you get all the information on the training system muscle and fitness that will lead you to your goal without wasting time and effort.

More than one system of training muscle fitness and unconscious methods tried and tested and learned from past training year . A good system associated muscle and fitness will, however , be the one to offer a service of the whole body and not just focus on one muscle group .

It is important to find a balance must be struck so that your body does not become disfigured. This system should allow the construction of all the body's muscles , including abs , legs and arms and the muscles of the upper and lower chest.  

These systems can be achieved through vocational training and exercise in gyms, etc.Training systems can also be self-efficacy through the use of training videos and training programs led by professional instructors.  

These are presented at each step by step in the realization of the physical body. This practice has gained rapid notoriety since everyone gets the time to attend gym sessions with busy life schedules and everything.

Training device for use in a range of muscle and conditioning system mundane paint pots as improvised weighted with cement to sophisticated pesos . These things can really help to build muscles fast .

Beyond 'Breaking Bad': 5 TV Shows Aaron Paul Should Guest Star

The infamous dramatic series Breaking Bad has reached the end of the series. Aaron Paul , one of the most popular actors of the series will be very suitable for guest star roles on popular TV series.

Aaron Paul is now unemployed television .

The 34 - year-old actor Emmy twice , shot to fame with her ​​famous as Jesse Pinkman dynamic instantly AMC drama series Breaking Bad paper. The Emmy -winning series quickly came to an end Sunday, September 29, 2013 , after five seasons of exciting and shocking viewers .

Paul brings a vicious trick a quiet fervor and sarcastic wit to his role . It is fair to say now that the insightful entertainment, fearless followed the cult television history gave his last episode, there will be no more than a few spectators who are late to see Aaron go. Here are my picks for five television programs should guest star Aaron Paul after "Breaking Bad" .

Parks and RecreationThe NBC comedy mockumentary follows the relationship of public officials Pawnee, Indiana ridiculous they pursue companies to improve their city.

Paper : Guest pharmacist license applicants want to bring a new pharmacy that provides pharmaceutical accessibility and Pawnee personalized service. After all , he knows a little more about the production and sale of drugs .

House of CardsThe unique set of political drama on Netflix Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey ) , a member of the Democratic Congress of South Carolina , who will pay the politicians in Washington DC after being rejected by the Secretary of State.

The role : appearance as a new legislative assistance that saves Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara ) and faces the water talking Underwood. He knows how to keep his head down , but do the job. It cunning character .Law and Order SVUThe drama of crime police detective NBC team of elite NYPD investigation of sexual crimes where the last season starts ended with Olivia Benson ( Mariska Hargitay ) in captivity by the maniac William Lewis (Paul Schreiber ) .

Book : Guest talk psychiatrist web Benson saves herself after she saved and begins suffering from post -traumatic stress. Nevertheless, it has been locked and kept at gunpoint in almost all seasons of Breaking Bad.

The Big Bang TheoryThe CBS sitcom comedy examines the lives of four nerds and socially scientific depth.

The role required to work as a chemist at Caltech colleague Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki ) . He learned from the best and bring a new dimension to the chemistry and nerdiness.

Orange is the new blackThe success of Netflix Comedy Series - Drama Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling ) , a 30 - something that is sentenced to more than a year in prison after being convicted of transporting drug money to his girlfriend (Laura Prepon ) almost a decade earlier .

The role : official appearance as hiring new corrections prison Litchfield training, while George ' pornstache ' Mendez ( Pablo Schreiber ) is on administrative leave . But he knows a little more about the learning task .

LA Fitness Gyms

One of the main reasons why people opt for fiscal health is to get rid of a disease they have. In fact, the diseases are caused by obesity then go for an exercise to lose weight. It is that many doctors do not welcome and are frustrated in life.  

But the only goal should be to eliminate the diseases of the body , but it can not end with a slim body. If reducing the risk of heart disease and a higher level of glucose in the blood at least made ​​from work on health, then you may think they are profitable for their work and the money.

If exercise can do to feel better physically and mentally, so why not go to one? As a result of regular exercise, you can have a higher level of energy and stamina and the secretion of endorphins , the feeling of well-being can be increased. Thus, at the end of this way with the achievements of the club projected form, you have to start well and continue with vigor and interest.  

When surfing the Internet on health is likely to be found with a lot of information on fitness centers . One example is the ideal LA Fitness has its own Internet site that serves 24 hours a day to provide information about their goals and plans for physical health to the well-being of people.

With a network of a large number of fitness centers in the United States , which is a combination of art , dedicated to health and fitness . Since 1984, in the first place, he was constantly working hard on the provision of services by the different sports club in Arizona , Georgia, Florida, California, Texas , New York , Texas, Connecticut , Washington and New Jersey. Its projected plan is the establishment of 135 more as a club sport in the country . Therefore, there is no doubt that LA Fitness is an ideal health institute and Mega in the country. The following points may be helpful for you to understand exactly why LA fitness is so popular among applicants Fitness :

1 . Service commitment . This LA Fitness is not like everyone in the market already , but in fact for the quality management . In addition to the staff who work here are also able to understand the needs of customers and treat them the way they want to satisfy their personal requirements . They are also wise enough to update your fitness and health exercise the oldest to the most recent existing and trying to give maximum satisfaction of their service equipment versions .

2 . Fitness programs . In addition to having a good service that provides its members with appropriate exercise programs at any time. Some of their fitness programs such as yoga, indoor cycling , aerobics and kick boxing mat Pilates too . They have a good choice for those who want to develop his / her athletic ability and also for those who want to increase their energy levels and stamina as well .  

They are often too ready to organize tournaments and leagues for their members to ensure the development of sportsmanship and camaraderie . These are , in fact, a good alternative for those who not only love binds the concept of aerobic capacity or less.

3 . Revolutionary approach to aerobics. LA Fitness is the only place ideal aerobics while having programs that focus primarily revolutionary approach to achieve the objectives . As a result, members find it easier to build in them a motivation to acquire the ability to life and for generations to come. What you pay at LA Fitness surely repay you on the path of life - money and aesthetics is what its members think.

Food Choices to Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy

It is important what type of food you eat. High fiber foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits can help prevent diseases such as constipation or to avoid intestinal problems , and this is because these foods break down quickly in your digestive system and allow your body to eliminate waste do not need .

Usually it can take up to 72 hours for food debris to pass through your system. It is much easier to go through your system if you eat foods such as whole wheat bread , cereals, all kinds of fruits or vegetables such as green beans or peas.

If you tend to eat low-fiber foods , such as foods with sugar or white flour , they can stay in their intestines and take longer to digest.

It is always better to eat regular food . It is not good for you to keep eating small amounts of food at short intervals. Try to eat large amounts at regular intervals, and it is recommended that three to four hours between meals is probably the right amount of time.

This will depend on what type of food you eat and of course the amount you eat .The human body also needs rest before and after meals , probably a ten minute break before lunch and thirty minutes after a meal is considered all that is necessary.

Normally , it is recommended to have a main meal per day , which is usually around 12:00 .It could be a bit of a problem that many people have to work during the day. They will not be able to rest before and after meals. This is why many people choose to have a great evening meal , this way they are able to relax when they want and for as long as they want .

10 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

This is not just a saying that mothers should be almost superhuman " ... Being a mother is really the most important and most difficult job on earth. " Designates maintaining a home, cooking, homework, bath and care of small care not so small (depending on how your husband is self-sufficient ) and, most likely , it will work. No wonder that most of us do not have time to return to our pre body - baby. When a workout ( or even a shower elsewhere ) is mounted in such moments ?

But here's a little secret that you might not know : if you manage to fit some exercise into their ultra zone - demanding, it will be easier ... It is not easy being a mother is never easy, but it will be easier to carry everything you need in a day . One of the many benefits of being in shape is that it increases your energy level . Here are 10 tips that can help you as your work schedule and stick with it :

Work around your schedule. No reprogramming your life to fit a workout , schedule your workout to fit your life. If training can be just 15 minutes on a given day , then get in 15 minutes. Doing something is always better for you to do nothing .

Make a workout that will give you the most benefit in the shortest time . Training will do for you is resistance training . In short, muscle burns fat - even at rest, a person burns more fat a person with little muscle muscle. This does not mean that you have to look like a body builder . A good tonic physical health is the key.

Change it . Workout Boredom is one of the main reasons I stopped exercising. Get some variety and not repeat the same exercise over and over again . Not only will your muscles adapt to the reduced efficiency, but stick to it, if the idea you get bored silly .

Have fun . Explosion motivation some tunes , dance and sing aloud between sets (well, maybe not , if you work in a gym ) , post motivational posters in your workout space. Heck, give positive feedback . When you have finished a particularly difficult game to shout " I ROCK ! "

Training with a partner. Even if you can not work together, have someone go through the process with you experiencing the same difficulties and victories is encouraging and we help them achieve it . If you do not have anyone who wants to join you , join a gym Online Group - There are many such groups in Facebook .

Get enough sleep. When you sleep, your body tends to crave food - trying to get the energy you need for the day. I know as a mother to get a good night's sleep is easier said than done, but if you want to lose weight, lack of sleep is one of his greatest enemies.


 Find a source of motivation. In fact, it can be anything , an event that would attend and look impressive for someone you want to impress a pair of jeans you want to ride Find something you achieve your goal. If you can not think of anything else , think about the positive example you set for your children. Strong and healthy mothers are more likely to have strong and healthy children .

Play with your children . Do not knock the benefits of a good old game of tag . ACTIVE with their children, it will be easier for you to fit exercise into your day . This is really killing two birds with one stone - you get a workout , get game time with your favorite person - you !

Find a sugar substitute . And no, I do not mean substitutes like aspartame ( although there are some good natural replacements out there today that xylitol ) , I mean to get carrots and hummus instead of a cookie . Sugar is not only addictive, but it can cause many health problems. Not as difficult as you might think to significantly reduce fuel consumption and feel the benefits ( and so is your waistline ) .

Do not listen to the negative voice in your head. Honestly , this small try their darnedest to sabotage you . He is a liar . You're awesome . You have the most difficult , the most stringent in the world and every day. You can do it!