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Health Benefits of Walking an Hour Each Day

Moderate physical activities produce enormous physical benefits. These benefits include a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Improving blood pressure and cholesterol . 

Increasing physical activity increases energy expenditure (calories) to help reduce the percentage of fat. Your metabolism will improve not only during exercise but also for a short period after the activity. Improving aerobic capacity will help all activities of daily life easier , resulting in more energy throughout the day.

Here's the deal ...

Take a walk one day and one hour every day for the next 30 days. You push a little. Select increases breathing rate to the point that it would be able to hold a conversation, but would be unable to sing. Here are some changes.

If you can not walk for 60 minutes straight , divided into two 30-minute walks or four walks 15 minutes. Or walk when you can and add 1-2 minutes each day. If you are not sure you can walk for 60 minutes , please walk laps around your block (or a couple of blocks ) , do not try to leave the house for 30 minutes to find that you can not do for you. I will not happen to you!

If you have no cardio just add 60 minutes of walking on the days you do not participate in vigorous exercise more .

If you can make a vigorous aerobic activity for 60 minutes each day , then you see all the benefits of cardiovascular health. Rock On!

Here is a brief list of the major benefits of cardio / aerobic

1 . Instant feel good. You will feel energized for hours after training

2 . Train your heart . The heart is a muscle and strength is his cardio

3 . Increased strength and endurance. Spend the day without a cat - nap.

4. Increased confidence immediately !

5. healthy lungs

6. Increases metabolism for up to 24 hours

7. Improves the immune system. Being sick less equals more days of the year !

8. Reduces stress

9. Improves circulation. You have less pain after weight training

10. sleep better

11. Relief of depression and anxiety

12. Reduced risk of certain cancers

13. Reduced risk of heart disease

14. Lower Blood Pressure

15 . Lowers cholesterol

16 .. Live longer

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